Pioneer Embroideries Limited

About Us


Pioneer Embroideries Limited is one of the largest manufacturer-exporter of Embroideries, Torchon/Bobbin laces, Raschel laces and other garment accessories. We are associated with the leading retail brand for embroidered clothing “Hakoba”. A clear vision along with focus on quality, creativity and innovation has resulted in this spectacular, trail-blazing success.

Today, Pioneer Group has established an impeccable reputation and carved a permanent niche in the industry throughout the world.

With an outstanding operational infrastructure, superb craftsmanship and obsession for the best quality, it has not taken us long to create waves in the international market. Today we have established an impeccable reputation and carved a permanent niche in the industry throughout the world. Our impressive international roster includes clients from the North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Pioneer is also the largest player in the domestic market. Catering to millions of satisfied customers already, Pioneer Group is now poised to move ahead in leaps and bounds.

We have a qualified and highly motivated design development team, which is constantly working towards generating new design to match the latest trends across the globe. State-of-the-art software and machines are used with trained personnel for monitoring the output, matching it to our own high and exacting standards. We are constantly working on developing new lines that matches the design specifications and requirements of our new clients. Today we have over 40,000 designs in our library to select from and just in case you have some exclusive taste, we welcome you to send us your specification and requirements.

Browse through and discover the wonderful world of Pioneer Embroideries Ltd.



To make pioneer place of choice to work and grow.



 Pioneer is dedicated to delivering products and services with integrity and accountability using both proven and innovative methods

Board of Directors

Mr. Raj Kumar Sekhani

Mr. Raj Kumar Sekhani (DIN:00102843), aged 62, is a Commerce Graduate from Calcutta University. Being a promoter of the Company, he has been involved in the activities of manufacturing and trading in garment accessories including embroidery fabrics, laces and knitted fabrics for 42 years. He holds Directorship of Hakoba Lifestyle Limited, Pioneer Realty Limited and Crystal Lace (India) Limited. He is also Member of Stakeholders Relationship and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of Pioneer Embroideries Limited. Mr. Raj Kumar Sekhani (DIN:00102843), was appointed as an Executive Director/Chairman of the Company being liable to retire by rotation for a period of 5 years w.e.f. 29th August, 2020.

Mr. Harsh Vardhan Bassi

Mr. Harsh Vardhan Bassi (DIN:00102941), aged 47, is a Graduate in Commerce Stream from Punjab University, and took business at a very young age. He has nearly 23 years of experience into manufacturing, business development, marketing and other business verticals, he has gained tremendous experience in International marketing of textiles, had successfully interacted with renowned labels worldwide. He is also on board of Hakoba Lifestyle Limited owner of the famous brand “Hakoba”, Pioneer Realty Limited and Crystal Lace (India) Limited. In addition to being a member of Audit, Shareholders Relationship and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of Pioneer Embroideries Ltd. Mr. Harsh Vardhan Bassi (DIN:00102941), Managing Director of the Company was appointed for a period of five years up to 28th October, 2021. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board at their meetings held on 18th May, 2021 had recommended the re-appointment of Mr. Harsh Vardhan Bassi (DIN:00102941), as a Managing Director of the Company for further period of 5 years from 29th October, 2021 to 28th October, 2026 at the forth coming Annual General Meeting of the Company.


Mr. Mahesh Kumar Gupta (DIN: 01821446) 64 years of age. He is highly educated professional with multiple academic laurels including Chartered Accountant, ICWA, Company Secretary, LLB. He is a recognized Insolvency Professional and a member of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India. He is a practicing Chartered Accountant and Insolvency engagements. He has rich experience of 32 years in handling Finance, Commercial, Secretarial and Corporate laws. He is also Director of M/s Libord IRP advisors Private Limited and AMR Gariplastex Private Limted, Appointment Letter- Mr. Mahesh Kumar  

Consent Letter-Mahesh Kumar Gupta

Mrs. Sushama Bhatt

Mrs. Sushama Bhatt (DIN:009168896), 58 years of age, is a Law graduate and also has a Diploma in Business Management. she has over 22 years of experience in the field of Marketing, Brand Management, Corporate Communications, Planning, organization and execution of developmental strategies, Advertising, PR, printing and publicity, branch and agent’s development, Media management, Product Development and Regulatory Compliance. She is actively involved in Development sector through InnerWheel International for past 6 years, She does not hold directorships in any other Companies.  

Consent letter of Mrs. Sushama Bhatt 

Mr. Saurabh Maheshwari

Mr. Saurabh Maheshwari (DIN:00283903), 43 years of age, is a Chartered Accountant by qualification. He has over 21 years of experience in the field of Textiles sector mainly in the field of manufacturing as well as processing of various yarns. He is instrumental in setting up of Greenfield speciality polyester yarn project at Kala Amb, Himachal Pradesh from selection of land, manufacturing technology, team building, distribution channel particularly for international business and selection of appropriate Product mix. His rich and varied experience in the industry and on account of the way he has led the yarn project over the last 14 years, He is also Director of M/s Kiran Industries Private Limited.

Consent letter of Mr. Saurabh Maheshwari


Mr. Varun Kathuria (DIN: 00027987) 58 years of age. He is a practicing Chartered Accountant, having 28+ Years’ experience of working in multiple industrial activities of Textile Industry including embroidery, readymade garments, accessories and sourcing consultants. He has been formulating Business strategies, Commercial negotiation with large corporate Customers. Additionally, he has human resource capabilities and excellent in performance review with senior staff and management, He is also Director of M/s  Taffles Project Private Limited, Tara Buildwell Private Limited, Zip Quest Private Limited, Taffles Advisory Services Private Limited, Taffles Exports Private Limited and Karma Fashions Private Limited. Appointment Letter- Mr. Varun Kathuria

Consent letter-Mr Varun Kathuria